Pacquiao Should Be Ready For Bradley's Headbutts

The world was able to witness how Manny Pacquiao managed to reach the peak of his boxing career. No one could barely remember the last time Pacquiao stepped out the ring defeated. He continued to knock down his opponents and defended his titles from the various challengers.

On June 9, Pacquiao is yet to face another challenger for the his welterweight belt in the person of Timothy Bradley. A man who us known to be undefeated. A tough fighter who has been always branded as an underdog but managed to grab the title.

No one can tell if this time Bradley could do the same to Manny Pacquiao. The latter has been warned for the head butts record of Bradley and has been advised to avoid colliding heads with Bradley's helmet shaped head.

As for the record, he has opened cuts through headbutts on at least seven opponents – Jorge Padilla, Eli Addison, Jaime Rangel, Manuel Garnica, Nate Campbell, Carlos Abregu and Devon Alexander. He is also a right-hander and fighting a leftist like Pacquiao would most likely result to a headbutt filled fight.

"Right now, Bradley has little name recognition outside of boxing and is mostly known by casual fans for what seems to be chronic headbutting … hopefully, this doesn’t happen against Pacquiao but it could because the Filipino typically lunges into the pocket aggressively," says Gary Andrew Poole's article in The Ring Magazine.